Brand Profile: Urban Hydration

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Urban Hydration: Crafting Compassionate Care Through Cross-Cultural Personal Care Products

Since its introduction in 2015, Urban Hydration has been a beacon of quality, compassion, and innovation in the world of skincare, haircare, and body care. Born under the umbrella of UI Global Brands, Urban Hydration specializes in crafting a range of hospital-trusted, nurse-recommended, and cross-cultural products, each designed to cater to diverse skincare needs and elevate the self-care experience.

Founded by the wife and husband duo, Psyche and Vontoba Terry, the brand’s beginning was deeply rooted in a commitment to community service. The couple’s initial endeavor with the Blind Center of Nevada aimed at producing body butters, thereby creating employment opportunities for the blind and sight-impaired community. This project, grounded in the ethos of “Give and Grow”, marked the Terry’s first step towards combining business acumen with compassionate outreach.

Before venturing into the CPG industry and founding Urban Hydration, the Terrys explored diverse ventures, ranging from flavored popcorn and web development to photography and custom fraternal organization paraphernalia. Drawing inspiration from their family’s entrepreneurial spirit, notably from Vontoba’s father, they navigated through uncharted territories with determination and vision.

Central to Urban Hydration’s mission is a profound social initiative. Living by its “Give and Grow” ethos, the brand commits to donate one gallon of clean water for every product sold, in association with the esteemed global non-governmental organization, WATERisLIFE. This remarkable endeavor has led to the successful construction of four wells in various countries, underscoring the brand’s unwavering commitment to making a tangible difference in the world.

Urban Hydration quickly grew to prominence, securing esteemed customers like Ulta Beauty, necessitating the transition of production to a dedicated factory to meet the growing demand. The brand’s assortment of premium, ultra-hydrating products not only offers a joyous user experience but also symbolizes the Terry’s dedication to societal welfare.

The journey of Urban Hydration has been marked by invaluable partnerships, including the collaboration with Torii Hunter, a Minnesota Twins Hall of Fame member, and his wife Katrina. Their investment and support have opened new avenues for the brand since 2015. Further enriching their entrepreneurial journey, the Terrys have been mentored by influential figures, including the CEO of a cleaning business, a private equity firm principal, and a founder emeritus of a frozen food company.

While access to capital posed initial challenges, the brand showcased remarkable resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Facing supply chain disruptions, Urban Hydration adeptly pivoted to producing hand soap and optimizing expenses to maneuver through unprecedented obstacles.

The Terrys, at the helm of Urban Hydration, emphasize the significance of finance and supply chain management, fostering a culture of accountable empowerment. Vontoba’s strength lies in envisioning a path forward through data and relationships, striking a harmonious balance between business insights and compassionate initiatives.

With aspirations to be America’s most loved natural skincare brand, particularly for families dealing with dry skin issues, Urban Hydration continues its journey of crafting compassionate care through its diverse and effective range of personal care products. The brand remains unwavering in its commitment to quality, hydration, and societal contributions, forging ahead with its mission to blend care, quality, and community service – living true to being the best natural care for dry skin and dry hair.